Gambling addiction is a lot more common than you may think, especially now it’s so easy to go online and place a bet on a sports event or play online bingo games.
Lots of us who may not think of ourselves as “gamblers” probably do actually gamble – through the Lotto or scratch cards, for example.
This can be just a bit of fun for most people or an outside shot at trying to win big but for some people, it can become a real problem that has significant effects on relationships, social life, work and mental health.
Gambling addiction is a form of compulsive behaviour. If you have a gambling problem, you can’t stop gambling even when the odds aren’t in your favour or you’re massively down.
Gambling problems can be linked to several health conditions including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD that isn’t being managed well managed and substance misuse. These can often make gambling addiction worse and can also be exaggerated by it too.
These signs can indicate that you have a gambling problem:
The repercussions of gambling addiction aren’t just financial so it’s not just a matter of whether you can afford to do it or not. It can also have an effect on lots of other areas of your life, including your relationships, career and well being, for example.
You may be able to tell yourself that you don’t really have a gambling problem if you don’t gamble every day but it doesn’t need to happen this regularly to have a big and very negative impact on your life.
Some problem gamblers only gamble occasionally but when they do, it has significant effects on both themselves and the people around them.
If you have lots of the classic signs of gambling addiction, you still have a problem regardless of how often you actually gamble.
If there are any underlying factors linked to your gambling addiction, these will need to be looked at first. If they aren’t addressed, there’s a good chance that you won’t beat gambling for good as they could trigger it again in the future.
After this, the focus will be on helping you to make healthier choices rather than falling back on gambling as a way to “cope” with emotions.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help you to change behaviours that are not healthy and alter thought patterns that are fuelling your gambling habit.
Hypnotherapy can also be an effective treatment option for guiding you away from gambling. Your hypnotherapist can tap into your unconscious mind and suggest alternative behaviours to adopt instead of gambling. When you next feel the urge to gamble, you will then turn to a more positive option as a way to cope with negative emotions that are linked to your urge to gamble.
It can also enable you to visualise scenarios that may occur if you do go ahead and gamble as a deterrent. For example, it may be suggested that you’ll lose all your money or you’ll be letting your loved ones down if you gamble, and this can be conjured up by your unconscious mind next time you think about gambling and therefore will NOT go ahead.
A combination of CBT and hypnotherapy can be successful in overcoming gambling addiction for good, especially once any underlying factors have been treated too.
They are designed to make the owners a lot of money. It is rare to win big on the pokies, and you never win back the kind of money that is put into those machines. They are designed specifically to keep you at that machine. They use sounds to feel like you are in a cocoon, the ‘computer programmed’ pokies keep you on the edge by allowing small wins plus many other techniques to force you to keep feeding the machines.
The chance of winning the jackpot on a poker machine is around 1 million to one. You are more likely to win the lotto than a jackpot at the pokies.
Your chances of coming out ahead are almost impossible. Just stop now and regain the control over your life without losing any more money.
Make the appointment or download the online program today to remove the urge to gamble easily.